Your Research Partner in the Fight Against Cancer

Cancer Research And Biostatistics is a non-profit organization whose purpose is to help conquer cancer and other diseases using the tools and expertise we bring to oncology clinical development.

Featured Services

Image of biostatistics work


We conduct phase I through phase III multi-institutional trials. The design and analysis of a wide variety of oncology clinical trials constitutes the majority of our work. Trials range from Phase I single or multi-institution industry sponsored to Phase III multi-institutional trials.

Electronic Data Capture graphic

Electronic Data Capture (EDC)

CRAB has extensive experience in developing software solutions to support data collection for clinical trials. Our CRAB Nebula™ system include technologies to securely capture, store, analyze and report data.


Data management graphic

Data Management

Data collection, management and quality are our top priority. At CRAB, we believe the collection, monitoring and management of data are crucial to quality research and science.


Our Expertise

Clinical Trial Expertise from Statistics to Data Collection and Management

Photo of John Crowley, Antje Hoering celebrating CRAB's 25th anniversary
Founder John Crowley and CEO Antje Hoering

CRAB was founded 25 years ago to play a unique and critical role in the battle against cancer.

Our commitment to prevent and cure cancer is reflected in our approach to clinical research. As a nonprofit organization focused on cancer research, we provide accurate, timely, objective, independent results to our clients.

CRAB has a team of dedicated, talented statisticians, project managers, data monitors, application developers, and regulatory affairs personnel who provide the expertise to fulfill our mission and serve our clients.

Graphic of CRAB expertise by cancer type

Latest News

National Cancer Research Month

May 24, 2024

National Cancer Research Month, led by the American Association for Cancer Research (AACR), is recognized every year in the month of May, to highlight the importance of lifesaving cancer research. Cancer Research And Biostatistics (CRAB) works diligently in the field of cancer research as rates of cancer increase around the nation. From creating new therapeutic […]

Asian American & Pacific Islander Heritage Month

May 24, 2024

Nationally observed in May, Asian American & Pacific Islander Heritage Month (AAPIHM) is meant to honor the rich and diverse culture and contributions of AAPI. The AAPI community has played an essential role in shaping our nation’s history and continues to enrich our society in countless ways. From the arts and sciences to business and […]

American Statistical Association Meeting

May 2, 2024

Last month in April, Cancer Research And Biostatistics (CRAB) Chief Executive Officer, Antje Hoering, attended an important board meeting with the American Statistical Association – ASA. The meeting gathered leaders and experts from across the statistical community to discuss key initiatives, address emerging challenges, and chart the future course of statistical science. As a board […]

Partner with CRAB

CRAB's expertise in biostatistics, data management, application development and DMC statistical and meeting management provides reliable and defensible results for your clinical trial.



CRAB has supported more than 300 adult clinical trials. Many of the trials conducted through CRAB have been in large-scale Phase III trials. We have expertise across all trial phases including multi-institutional Phase I trials. The other studies (15%) are comprised of biological correlative studies, registries, post-marketing trials and outcomes research. CRAB statisticians have decades of experience in the design and analysis of a wide variety of oncology clinical trials. 

Diagram of clinical trial experience by trial phase


CRAB achieves its mission through long-standing partnerships with both research collaborators and with for-profit organizations. The SWOG Statistics and Data Management Center (SDMC) is co-located at Fred Hutch and CRAB. SWOG is one of five U.S.-based National Cancer Institute-supported cooperative groups within the National Clinical Trials Network (NCTN). CRAB’s Clinical Research Services (CRS) division has a number of key partnerships with research consortia as well as pharmaceutical clients. Other important collaborations for CRAB are with Friends of Cancer Research (Friends) and the International Association For The Study Of Lung Cancer (IASLC).